Designing For The Mind – SXSW 2015


If you were one of the many people turned away at the door of my Designing for the Mind panel with Nathalie Nahai and Nir Eyal, or weren’t at SXSW at all, you can still grab my slides below. There are links to Nathalie’s and Nir’s slides, too.

We were all sorry to see people not being able to get into our session, particularly those who waited in line hoping for an opening. One person said that the room was full 45-minutes before the session. (If we’re invited back next year, we’ll request a bigger room, but those decisions are totally up to the SXSW organizers.)

Sorry that SXSW staff had to turn away so many from #DesignMind
Sorry that SXSW staff had to turn away so many from #DesignMind

Big thanks from Nathalie, Nir, and me to the folks who arrived really early and got a spot in the room. (Extra thanks to those who had to stand!)

Here are a few comments from the people that did get in:

Our Slide Decks

Nathalie, Nir, and I usually do longer keynote-style speeches, but for this panel format we did quick 10-15 minute presos. We managed to cram a lot of learning into that space – the only criticism of our session I heard was, “Wow, that was really a LOT of content!”

Here’s my deck:

Grab Roger Dooley's slides from Designing for the #Mind, SXSW 2015. Share on X

Want Nathalie Nahai’s slides? They are here.

Nir’s slides are here.

If we didn’t meet at SXSW, I hope we can in the future!

All three of us speak around the world about these topics – perhaps we’ll meet at a future event:
Nathalie Nahai – Speaking Engagements
Nir Eyal – Speaking Engagements
Roger Dooley – Speaking Engagements

  1. Gilson says

    Hey Roger,
    BIG THANKS for the Slides!

    1. Roger Dooley says

      Hope you find them useful, Gilson. My slides can be a bit hard to interpret without the speech itself, but some of the content should make sense. 🙂

  2. Saikrishna says

    Thanks a ton for sharing us the presentation, Roger, and I loved your insight on Imaginary and Perceived Friction. I was expected more insights on designing mind. However, I believe that I will get by Brainfluence.

    One again thanks for the insights, Roger.

    1. Roger Dooley says

      Thanks for stopping by, Saikrishna. Be sure to check out my co-panelists decks, too, for more “designing for the mind” info.

  3. Saikrishna says

    Sure, Roger Dooley.

  4. Mary says

    Excellent presentation Roger, thank you so much for posting it. Any chance you might have downloaded by now the whole speech? I have your book and I follow your blog, I can understand most of it, but still, fluency…. you know.

    1. Roger Dooley says

      Thanks, Mary! We weren’t able to record our presos, which were actually quite short since we had an hour total and wanted to allow plenty of time for audience interaction. And, at least for my stuff, the slides alone don’t tell the whole story.

      Watch my speaking schedule, maybe I’ll be headed to a city near you! (Or, if you know of a conference that could benefit from my work, please feel free to suggest me!)

      Thanks for dropping by, Mary.

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