Browsing Tag

expensive wine

Why Expensive Wine Tastes Better

For Neuromarketing readers, it's not big news that the perception of wine drinkers is altered by what they know about the wine (see Wine and the Spillover Effect, for example). Now, researchers at Stanford and Caltech have demonstrated…

Use Ratings to Improve REAL Satisfaction

It's no surprise that most of us will adjust our own expressed views to those around us. If your friends are raving about the meal you all just ate, you might tend to go with the flow rather than being the solo critic. Perhaps you…

Please Your Guests by Fooling Them

Imagine that you are shopping for a few bottles of wine for your next dinner party. You probably aren't going to buy from the cheapest selections. You don't want your guests to think you are a cheapskate, or that you have such a low…

Wine Tasting Trickery

Wine and coffee seem to be common topics here at Neuromarketing. Perhaps it's because I enjoy both, but also because each of these beverages comes in an infinite variety of flavors and is available in varied methods of delivery. We've…