A new study shows that the content of a headline changes what readers remember and even how they think. The challenge is to write headlines that serve multiple important purposes.
Another week, another batch of required reading from around the web. There's one new feature this week - after "My Stuff," I've added one "Weird or Wonderful" link just for fun. If you found a compelling piece of content this week, add a…
Do you want more clicks on your tweets? Or, on your marketing links in emails or ads? Or, if you are a blogger, journalist, or content writer, could you do with more traffic to your articles? A new study by researchers at the BI Norwegian…
As perfect proof of its point, a link to an article titled A Catchy Headline The Biggest Draw For News Article Readers induced me to click and read it. The article noted that a new study by Harris Interactive showed that catchy headlines…
What's one of the most simple traffic building tools that even most top bloggers don't use? Surprisingly, few bloggers take advantage of the ability to target a separate headline for people browsing the site and people searching via…
Should you spend as much time polishing the few words of your headline as on the hundreds of words that comprise your news article or blog post? The answer may well be, "Yes!" according to a new study by OTOInsights. In an unusual…