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Best of Neuromarketing – 2013

It's time for our annual roundup of the top 12 posts here at Neuromarketing. The main criteria for selection is the amount of reader sharing and overall views. I find that the discerning readers here are great at identifying the most useful…

The Right Way to Reward Your Customers

Guest post by John Carvalho In today’s fragmented marketplace, true brand loyalty seems like a hard thing for companies to acquire and harder still for companies to hang onto. Yet, it’s arguably ever more important. Loyalty programs…

Brainy Marketing Update – Forbes

It's been a few weeks, so here are the latest articles from my Brainy Marketing blog at Please drop by there and make a comment - Forbes has a cool comment exposure system that lets authors of posts (e.g., me) "call out"…

Starbucks Loyalty Fail

Starbucks knows a thing or two about loyalty. I'm a Gold Card member, and enjoy the free refills as well as the periodic free drinks I accrue by using it. (Green Card members get the refill benefit, but not the free beverage after every…

Love Your Returns!

I hated returns when I was in the catalog business. I viewed returns, not without reason, as margin-killing time-wasters. The returned merchandise was often unsellable due to customer damage, missing items, or shopworn packaging. I…