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Taking the Pain out of Sushi Pricing

The menu designer for an Austin restaurant, Roll On Sushi Diner, must be a Neuromarketing or Brainfluence reader. A while back, I identified sushi-style pricing as being the worst possible approach because each tiny bite is a separate pain…

What Pricing Strategy Beats Discounts?

If you want to sell more product by running a sale, which would make more sense: advertising "price cut 33%" or "50% more" product? Functionally, the two are the same level of discounting. Researchers at the University of Minnesota found,…

What’s A Return Policy Worth?

Ask catalog or Internet retailers what a return cost them, and they will likely be able to cite some very specific numbers reflecting shipping costs, processing labor, damaged packaging, and so on. But it turns out there's a specific…

The Luxury Strategy

What makes a luxury brand? In The Luxury Strategy, Jean-Noel Kapferer and Vincent Bastien tell us in great detail what distinguishes "luxury" from "premium" and the merely expensive. And, as one might expect, our emotions play a huge role…

Cookie Framing

Years ago, when The Tonight Show ruled late-night TV and when all the guests weren't celebrities promoting their latest book, movie, or TV show, host Johnny Carson interviewed the Girl Scout who sold the most cookies that year. This…