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Make Buying Difficult?

Marketers expend a great deal of effort making it easy to buy their products. They expand distribution channels, offer financing alternatives, and when possible ensure the customer can leave with the product at time of purchase. After…

fMRI, Neuron Data Validated

Brain scans using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) don't always get a lot of respect. They have been accused of being used to produce research that is colorful but not particularly insightful. One study used fMRI to find…

Sexy Pics Beat Ugly Spiders

  Erotic images sell better than pictures of office supplies, and a lot better than photos of hairy spiders. Who knew? Actually, that's a bit of an oversimplification. Stanford researchers led by neuroeconomics prof Brian Knutson have…

Cultural Brain Differences

It appears that neuromarketing practitioners face one more challenge in analyzing brain scans. Research at Stony Brook University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University shows that people from East Asian…