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Decision making and the brain
Secrets of the Moneylab
Book Review: Secrets of the Moneylab: How Behavioral Economics Can Impact Your Business by Kay Yut Chen with Marina Krakovsky
Economics can be dry stuff - remember "macro," "micro," and supply/demand curves? Fortunately, Secrets of…
Scary Thought: A Treatment for Impulse Buying
Here's a thought that would terrify many marketers... what if consumers prone to impulsive behavior decided to take a pill to quiet those impulses? While clearly lack of impulse control is a serious issue for some individuals and can lead…
Pricing Lessons from Restaurants
My last Neuromarketing post, Neuro-Menus and Restaurant Psychology, talked about various things restaurant menu engineers do to maximize sales and profits. I think it's worth calling special attention to one aspect touched on in that post:…
Ants and Humans
If the late Nobel Laureate Herb Simon were still around, I'm sure he'd be fascinated by neuromarketing. He did a lot to explode myths of human behavior, notably that people always behave in a rational, utility-maximizing, manner. I…
Brain Fight: Who’s the Decider?
One of my favorite chapters in How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer is The Brain is an Argument. In this chapter, Lehrer highlights how complex our decision-making process really is, and how competing options battle for supremacy.
Banking Mess: Blame Our Brains
As the current financial chaos moves toward some kind of resolution, there will no doubt be plenty of Monday morning quarterbacking to explain what went wrong. One group that one wouldn't expect to have explanations are neuroscientists. As…
Danger in Discounts
I'm a sucker for discounts. Show me something that costs $50, tell me I can have it for $25, and my hand will be reaching for my wallet while my brain is still trying to figure out whether I need the item at any price. Most of us respond…
Anchor Pricing Strategies
Here's a scenario... You decide to venture into a cell phone store despite your reluctance to deal with a bewildering number of phones, options, plans, along with a confusing price structure. As usual, you find you'll have to wait a bit for…
The Power of FREE!
A few days ago, I wrote about the power of the word "New" to get our attention - if there's a more potent attractor out there, it's almost certainly "FREE!" For years, advertising gurus have listed "free" on every compilation of…
Bikinis, Babes, and Buying
Scantily clad women have been used to sell products to men for decades, and likely for millennia in one form or another. There's little doubt that the typical male brain is wired to respond to attractive females in revealing attire. But…