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General news and opinion in the field of using brain science in marketing
Nielsen Acquires Innerscope Research
Ratings and research behemoth Nielsen is doubling down on neuromarketing by completing the purchase of Innerscope Research.
Repeat, Repeat, Repeat… and Sell More
Do you know what The Beatles' best-selling single was? And, do you know the scientific reason that helped propel it to the top?
Dan Ariely’s Irrationally Yours: Predictably Amusing
Got problems? Author and behavior researcher Dan Ariely has answers. And, they are funny! His new book, Irrationally Yours, combines practical advice, behavior science, and humor.
How You Can Become A Thought Leader in 30 Days
Want to be Seth Godin in a month? It's not going to happen. But, you can become a recognized expert in a surprisingly short time by using this approach from author Dorie Clark.
An Unexpected Way to Look Smarter
Want to look smarter? You might think performing this simple action will make you look dumb, but the opposite is true according to a Harvard Business School study.
Free To-Do List Apps and Expert Habit Hacks
My favorite free to-do app, reviews of other apps, advice from habit experts, and a few brain-based to-do productivity boosters.
Microsoft Glasses Read Your Emotions
Software giant Microsoft has been granted a patent for glasses that, the patent claims, can measure human emotions. Of particular interest is that the glasses are intended to work in both directions: they measure both the emotional state of…
Increase Your Visitor Engagement, Increase Your Profit
Your site's design can reduce visitor engagement, which will lower your conversion rate and profits. Learn how to track engagement and see examples of how to improve it.
The Simple Sales Booster That Almost Nobody Uses
A recent test described by WhichTestWon showed adding a single line of text to a web page could boost sales, from a few percent to 200+%. Yet, very few websites use this technique. Do you?
Neuromarketing Careers
Are you looking for a career in neuromarketing, or as some prefer to call it, consumer neuroscience? How should you pursue that goal? Is such a goal even a good idea? I'll try to provide answers, or at least some information that will let…