Browsing Category
General news and opinion in the field of using brain science in marketing
Build Your Authority, Persuade with Charts, More – Roger’s Picks
Your weekend reading list!
Cialdini Answers: Are Six Principles Still Enough?
What question would you ask Dr. Robert Cialdini? He may not have invented the concept of persuasion psychology, but his 1984 book, Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, used extensive behavior research to add much needed structure to the…
Cialdini’s Latest Persuasion Secrets, More – Roger’s Picks
It's been a big week for new content in that overlap area between psychology, neuroscience, and marketing we call neuromarketing. Be sure to check out the Robert Cialdini interview and book review, and the fascinating advice from "Dr.…
New Brainfluence Translations
I'm happy to say that there are (or will be) two new translations of Brainfluence - one in simplified Chinese, and (finally!) one in Spanish.
How to Scare Your CMO, Brain Upgrades, More – Roger’s Picks
Ease into the week off with some reading material, mostly about the brainy side of marketing and sales!
Do You Suffer From Funnel Vision?
They say if you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. One of the favorite tools of marketers, the sales funnel, may produce the same kind of myopia, according to Unmarketing's Scott Stratten.
Packaging Power, Imaginative Imagery, More – Roger’s Picks
Here's my latest content for the week, and hand picked items both I and my readers liked, too.
Weird Mood Effects, Psycho Trolls, Unselling, and More – Roger’s Picks
Here's the most compelling stuff we found all week, plus what I published. I hope that's compelling, too!
Do Twitter And TV Shrink Your Brain?
Media multitasking, watching TV while using Twitter on a phone, for example, is becoming extremely common. A new study finds, however, that these multiple screen users have less gray matter in a specific area of the brain.
The Two-Pizza Rule, Costco’s Sampling Secrets, More… Roger’s Picks
Diverse topics this week include a one-word motivator that boosts effort and results, why Costco gives you free food, how to create a call to action that gets results, the psychology behind Jeff Bezos's "two pizza" team rule, how music…