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General news and opinion in the field of using brain science in marketing
Persuade Like a Con-Artist, Crowdlaunch Your Product, More… Roger’s Picks
Your weekend reading list for all things brain and marketing-related...
4 Facts About Decision Making That Will Improve Conversion Rate Optimization
Everything in conversion optimization comes down to the customer making a decision... Yes or no. That’s the clutch point in conversion optimization. Leading up to this decision is the process of decision making.
Starbucks Name-Botching, 10 Conversion Psych Resources, More… Roger’s Picks
Here's the most interesting content we found this week, followed by my own content here, at, and at The Brainfluence Podcast.
Two Words That Change How People Think of You
Almost certainly, there are two words that have been drilled into you as important since the day you started talking.
Now, research shows these words have surprising power over how others perceive you.
Productivity Secret, Twitter Psychology, Body Language Fails… Roger’s Picks
Essential reading for the weekend...
Manipulation vs. Customer Focus, Dilbert-style
One of the post-speech questions I'm often asked is whether employing my neuromarketing strategies is "manipulative" and/or unethical. This weekend's Dilbert strip by Scott Adams highlights the divide between manipulation and customer…
The Perfect Daily Routine, Landing Page Secrets, more – Roger’s Picks
We usually avoid brain diagrams here at Neuromarketing, but Neil Patel (@neilpatel) not only gives you a brain map but tells you how to target each major area with different kinds of content. Get the scoop in How Your Landing Page Can…
Tweets, Viewers Predicted by Brain Studies
A study with a rather opaque title, Audience preferences are predicted by temporal reliability of neural processing, has some interesting findings for the field of neuromarketing. Published in Nature, the paper found correlation between…
Behavioral Ads, Authorship Autopsy, Thought Leadership… Roger’s Picks
Here's your required reading for the week! Don't forget to share your own "must read" find in a comment!
10 New Episodes of the Brainfluence Podcast
Time really does fly - it seems like we just published our list of the first ten episodes of The Brainfluence Podcast, and here we are with another ten! And if you aren't getting our weekly episodes delivered to your player automatically,…