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General news and opinion in the field of using brain science in marketing

Spin Sucks by Gini Dietrich

Book Review:Spin Sucks: Communication and Reputation Management in the Digital Age (Que Biz-Tech) by Gini Dietrich In a world where public relations firms have been revered for their ability to "spin" stories for their clients, calling a…

New Speaker Video

Here's a new video (trailer-length) filmed at a recent AUSOME online marketing event in Austin. The event had a record number of registrations and attendees. I've spoken to larger audiences in bigger venues, but nobody is more engaged…

The No-Spin World of Gini Dietrich

Ask who created the field of public relations, and the most common answer you'll get is Edward Bernays, the spin doctor of the 20th century. Bernays was famous for both stunts and spin - he's credited with, among other things, with making…