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General news and opinion in the field of using brain science in marketing
Do Open Offices Destroy Productivity?
The cube farm seems to be a vanishing breed, and few, if any, workers merit a private office. Open offices, with no divisions between adjacent workers, are today's preferred style. This layout can clearly affect individual and group…
20 Magic Words, How to be Interesting, & More – Roger’s Picks
Here's a longer than usual batch of diverse (but great) content we discovered in the last seven days... add your own great find in a comment!
Can Your Name Make You A Liar?
Here's a piece of potentially bad news. Your name, which you are likely stuck with for the rest of your life, can have a significant effect on whether other people believe you.
Web Psychology, Snackable Content, Flow, and… Boobs? Roger’s Picks
Here we go again - great reads from around the web, and a batch of new interviews with brilliant persuasion experts!
The World’s Top Persuaders, Inside Your Head
How would you like to do a mind-meld with some of the world's top experts in psychology, persuasion, marketing, neuroscience and more? For free? I've got exciting news for my Neuromarketing readers!
We're still working on the mind-meld…
Webs of Influence by Nathalie Nahai
Book Review: Webs of Influence: The Psychology of Online Persuasion by Nathalie Nahai
I read a lot of marketing books, but it's rare to find one that so closely matches my own interests. Nathalie Nahai's Webs of Influence focuses on the…
The Most Persuasive Website in the World and More – Roger’s Picks
It's that time again, and we've got a diverse set of reading from around the web. Please share your own great find in a comment!
Need more exposure? Austen Allred (@AustenAllred) tells you how in The Hacker’s Guide to Getting Press .…
Why You Are a Complete Idiot If You Don’t Google Yourself
The other day, I read a story at Fast Company titled Why You Should Google Yourself And Not Feel Guilty About It. I agreed with the reasoning of the author, Lindsay Lavine (@lindsaylavine), but was slightly puzzled by the "guilty" part.…
Repped: 30 Days to a Better Online Reputation by Andy Beal
Book Review: Repped: 30 Days to a Better Online Reputation by Andy Beal
In these days of heavy business books laden with theory, we still encounter a few that are short, action-oriented, and eminently practical. Andy Beal's Repped is…
Killer Headlines: 3 Must-Read Posts, and More – Roger’s Picks
Here's the best content we found this week! Want to help thousands of fellow readers? Share your own great find in a comment!