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General news and opinion in the field of using brain science in marketing
Ouija Board Neuromarketing
Every neuromarketing technique has one main purpose: get beneath consumers' conscious reactions and see what they think subconsciously. While some neuromarketers employ high tech equipment like fMRI machines, a Canadian group says a simple…
Brilliant Social Proof Display by Mashable
Many, if not most, content sites today show how many social media shares each page or article has earned. This is a classic use of social proof, i.e., building credibility and earning additional shares by showing that others are doing it…
Need More Sales and Leads? Google Wants to Help!
For most attendees of Pubcon Las Vegas, the best part of Matt Cutts's keynote was his measured and nearly genial response to the previous day's attack on both him and Google by Internet entrepreneur Jason Calacanis. Cutts heads…
Don’t Make This Social Proof Mistake
Every marketer knows that social proof - showing that other people use your product, support your cause, etc. - is a powerful persuasion tool. It's one of influence expert Robert Cialdini's six main principles, and may be the best-known…
Women Can Be Irrational, Too
This is big news for guys. For years, I've gently mocked my half of the species for being far-too-easily influenced by female images. Babes in bikinis alter male behavior, but it doesn't always take that much. Simply including a photo of…
Four Words That Double Persuasion
Want to double your success in persuading people to do as you ask? Four simple words, and even other phrases with the same meaning, have been shown to double the success rate in dozens of studies worldwide.
Sex, Lies, and Our Secret Motivators
Here's news that probably won't shock you: sex is at the top of our unconscious minds. And, when marketers ask us, we won't come close to admitting it.
The Persuasion Slide: An Introduction
The Persuasion Slide is a deceptively simple new model for the process of persuasion that accommodates both traditional conscious factors as well as the often more significant and powerful non-conscious factors.
The Right Way to Reward Your Customers
Guest post by John Carvalho
In today’s fragmented marketplace, true brand loyalty seems like a hard thing for companies to acquire and harder still for companies to hang onto. Yet, it’s arguably ever more important.
Loyalty programs…
Don’t Redesign Your Elevator!
Do you have a website redesign planned? If so, there might be a lesson in my first experience with a Schindler ID System elevator control installation.
When passenger elevators first came into use, they were complicated and a bit…