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General news and opinion in the field of using brain science in marketing

Google Reader Is Going Away in Days

Many Neuromarketing readers still use Google Reader to keep up with their favorite blogs. It has been a great tool, one I used myself. But, Google decided to kill Reader as of July 1 in what they termed a round of "spring cleaning." So, if…

German & Japanese Brainfluence

The global reach of Brainfluence is getting a boost. Japanese rights have been sold by Wiley, joining the Korean and Simplified Chinese versions in the Asian marketplace. Publication dates for the Japanese and Chinese versions aren't yet…

Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff

Book Review: Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal by Oren Klaff Oren Klaff is an investment banker and deal-maker who, by his own account, has spent more than ten thousand hours…

Persuade with Visual Metaphors

While we think of metaphors as mainly word-based, visual metaphors can be a potent selling tool. They can both engage the brain like text metaphors and stimulate the viewer's senses in a way that words alone may not.