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General news and opinion in the field of using brain science in marketing
Persuade with Silky Smooth Copy
It shouldn't surprise Neuromarketing readers that choice of words is important when writing headlines, taglines, or copy, but brain scans show how specific words can have the same meaning but activate different areas of the brain. Emory…
Finally: 2012 Super Bowl Ad Neuro-Rankings
Every year, we look forward to how the Super Bowl ads stacked up from a neuromarketing standpoint, courtesy of Sands Research. It's taken a little longer this year, but the results are in!
Our Brains Make Facebook Worth $90 Billion
Those of us involved in social media know that people love to talk about themselves. They seemingly enjoy sharing the trivial, the personal, and occasionally the weird, details of their lives. Sometimes they overshare - as a longtime…
Does Your Domain Say “Trust Me?”
Do web searchers pay attention to the domain where the link in the search results leads them? A few years ago, I would have said "no." For years, I've operated or advised websites that ranked at or near the top for various brand names,…
Neuromarketing Proof? UCLA Brain Scans Predict Ad Success
For years neuromarketing firms have been selling their services to help advertisers optimize TV commercials, product packaging, and other media. While these companies all claim success in helping their clients boost sales, there's been…
Clicks Don’t Count!
As long as banner ads have been on websites, the number of clicks they garner has been the most important performance metric for an ad. Ads that get fewer clicks are canned in favor of those that get more. I questioned this (with Seth…
The Easiest Way Ever to Boost Your Productivity
Do you find chunks of your day consumed by less than productive activities? Updating Twitter? Checking Facebook? Clicking on those fascinating links posted by your friends? Checking sports scores or stock prices? Catching up on the…
Are Marketers Sleazy?
One of the common questions I'm asked at conferences and by reporters is whether neuromarketing techniques are ethical, or whether they are just one more way to manipulate consumers into buying stuff they don't need. My response to this is…
Business, Sport, & Mark Cuban
Book Review: How to Win at the Sport of Business: If I Can Do It, You Can Do It by Mark Cuban
If you aspire to be a corporate drone marking time until five o'clock, or until retirement, don't bother reading Mark Cuban's new book, How…
Finding a College and Choice Architecture
It's that time of year when many U.S. high school seniors are making their final college decisions. They have their last acceptance letters, and now must choose which school they will attend in the fall. It's a good time to think about…