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General news and opinion in the field of using brain science in marketing
The Secret Behind Retail Customer Experience Success Is Brain Science
Does retail customer experience success depend on neuro-triggers? PIRCH says yes.
Magic Math: You Can Double Your Results in 43 Days
It's easier than you think to double your results by following this simple plan based on real-world examples.
Is Your New Website Layout Killing Your Engagement?
Do horizontal website layouts work better? Article looks at heat map and scroll data, plus the psychology and science of web design.
How To Write Headlines That Surprise The Brain
You can write headlines that grab the brain's attention by changing an expected word to an unexpected word. This tequila ad is a great example.
The Ultimate Laptop Bag: My Quest For Perfection
In this article, I obsess about my hunt for the perfect laptop bag, with a little "paradox of choice" psychology thrown in. And, I compare laptop backpacks, messenger bags, padfolios, and more.
7 Ways to Engage Your Customer’s Reptilian Brain
Learn how to make your value proposition appeal to your customer's reptilian brain and engage your audience, complete with examples.
Persuasive Product Psychology Panel at SXSW 2016
The SXSW Panelpicker is open, and our entry this year is Hook ’em: The Psychology of Persuasive Products – SXSW 2016.
Eyes Are The Door to Trust. Attractiveness, Too.
Eyes convey trust and attractiveness. With a few adjustments to your photos you can boost both of these characteristics.
Brainfluence in Hungarian
Invicta Books has released a Hungarian translation of Brainfluence, the eighth translation from the original English.
How the TMI Effect Cuts Your Sales, and 4 Ways to Avoid It
Split testing shows too much product information can actually reduce sales - here are four ways to avoid the TMI Effect.