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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
Does Starbucks Make You Smarter?
Coffee aromas can increase arousal and cognitive performance.
Can Caffeine’s Brain Boost Help Ad Recall?
Two cups of coffee provide significant stimulation in areas of the brain associated with attention and memory - how long before marketers exploit this?
The Surprising Way to Boost Your Optimism
Optimism is good for you, and brain scientist John Medina explains the simple way to increase it.
Why Sushi Pricing is Painful, and How to Fix It
Pay-per-bite sushi pricing makes economic sense, but brain studies show it 'hurts' your customer's brain.
What Freud Can Teach Us About Neuromarketing
Sigmund Freud may be out of favor with mental health professionals, but his insights can inform neuromarketing strategies and studies.
Top 10 Profile Photo and Portrait Hacks Based on Science
Ten research-based ways to optimize your profile photo or headshot to make you more attractive, persuasive, and trustworthy.
A Remarkably Powerful Way to Increase Sales Success
One change in negotiation tactics cause a fivefold increase in successful outcomes.
A Fun Way to Build Trust and Cooperation
Want more trust and cooperation? New research shows that food will do that, but only if used correctly.
Reciprocity Power: A Study That May Shock You
Reciprocity is a powerful tool in sales and marketing, and the exchange of favors are often of different magnitude.
How To Sell a $20 Burger
An upscale hotel in Amsterdam sells a hamburger for about $20. That probably isn't much out of line with similar meals at big-city hotels, but this establishment uses an interesting technique to make its prices seem a bit more…