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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
Can One Word Turn Nonsense into Powerful Persuasion?
Some words have an unusual power over us, disarming defenses and letting us be persuaded more easily. One of these words is "because." I was reminded of some fascinating research conducted decades ago by Pubcon keynoter and persuasion…
Neuro-content, Female Superiority, Now! Power, and More – Roger’s Picks
Here are our picks of content worth reading from around the Web this week... Did you find something worth sharing? Leave a link in a comment!
Power of Ten: The Weird Psychology of Rankings
Headline writers have known for years that rankings articles like "Top 10" lists generate clicks. University administrators have simultaneously dismissed USNews college rankings as inaccurate and irrelevant while still striving to improve…
Save Time, Persuade with Rhyme!
What's the most famous quote from the OJ Simpson "trial of the century?" Those of us old enough to have watched it on TV, or at lease followed the news accounts, would no doubt come up with, "If the gloves don't fit, you must acquit!" This…
Study Maps Emotions by Body Part
Researchers at Finland's Aalto University have produced a set of images showing where in their bodies people experience different emotions. Their news release states,
For example, anxiety may be experienced as pain in the chest,…
Most Overlooked: What Forbes Readers Missed
Here's my last summary post for 2013, and for Neuromarketing readers it may be the most useful of all... My Brainy Marketing column at has a strange characteristic - the viewership of each article varies tremendously. My top post…
Best of Neuromarketing – 2013
It's time for our annual roundup of the top 12 posts here at Neuromarketing. The main criteria for selection is the amount of reader sharing and overall views. I find that the discerning readers here are great at identifying the most useful…
Ouija Board Neuromarketing
Every neuromarketing technique has one main purpose: get beneath consumers' conscious reactions and see what they think subconsciously. While some neuromarketers employ high tech equipment like fMRI machines, a Canadian group says a simple…
Women Can Be Irrational, Too
This is big news for guys. For years, I've gently mocked my half of the species for being far-too-easily influenced by female images. Babes in bikinis alter male behavior, but it doesn't always take that much. Simply including a photo of…
Four Words That Double Persuasion
Want to double your success in persuading people to do as you ask? Four simple words, and even other phrases with the same meaning, have been shown to double the success rate in dozens of studies worldwide.