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Neuroscience Research

New research in neuroscience

What Pricing Strategy Beats Discounts?

If you want to sell more product by running a sale, which would make more sense: advertising "price cut 33%" or "50% more" product? Functionally, the two are the same level of discounting. Researchers at the University of Minnesota found,…

Persuade with Pictures

A picture may be worth MORE than a thousand words in some cases. A new study shows that text is more credible when accompanied by photos, even when the photos don't support the point of the text!

Latest Brainy Marketing at Forbes

It's been a while since I recapped my Forbes Brainy Marketing activity here, so here's what you may have missed. And, be sure to add a comment if you visit. I can "call out" quality comments, and site admins sometimes expose these in…

Mission Mayhem: How NOT to Ask for Money

Non-profits assume their potential contributors will see the good they will do and generally focus on a theme - a particular disease, a philanthropic cause, and so on. New research shows that success involves more than just generating…

How to Turn a NO into a YES!

Can an initial rejection actually help you get the "yes" you really want? Surprisingly, if you create the right first and second requests, it can. Persuasion expert Robert Cialdini conducted a classic experiment that demonstrates the…

Brainy Marketing Update – Forbes

It's been a few weeks, so here are the latest articles from my Brainy Marketing blog at Please drop by there and make a comment - Forbes has a cool comment exposure system that lets authors of posts (e.g., me) "call out"…

Bigger Brain = Social Media Success

Hiring a social media manager or a salesperson? Maybe you should have the finalists' brains scanned in an fMRI. A larger orbital prefrontal cortex, an area of the brain associated with decision-making and cognitive processing, has been…