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Neuroscience Research

New research in neuroscience

Brands Count – Seen or Unseen

We're in the midst of the busiest shopping season of the year, and lots of us will be shopping for stylish gifts. One of the choices we'll be confronted with is whether to buy an item from a well-known brand or opt for a less expensive…

What Pricing Strategy Beats Discounts?

If you want to sell more product by running a sale, which would make more sense: advertising "price cut 33%" or "50% more" product? Functionally, the two are the same level of discounting. Researchers at the University of Minnesota found,…

Persuade with Pictures

A picture may be worth MORE than a thousand words in some cases. A new study shows that text is more credible when accompanied by photos, even when the photos don't support the point of the text!

Latest Brainy Marketing at Forbes

It's been a while since I recapped my Forbes Brainy Marketing activity here, so here's what you may have missed. And, be sure to add a comment if you visit. I can "call out" quality comments, and site admins sometimes expose these in…

Mission Mayhem: How NOT to Ask for Money

Non-profits assume their potential contributors will see the good they will do and generally focus on a theme - a particular disease, a philanthropic cause, and so on. New research shows that success involves more than just generating…

How to Turn a NO into a YES!

Can an initial rejection actually help you get the "yes" you really want? Surprisingly, if you create the right first and second requests, it can. Persuasion expert Robert Cialdini conducted a classic experiment that demonstrates the…

Brainy Marketing Update – Forbes

It's been a few weeks, so here are the latest articles from my Brainy Marketing blog at Please drop by there and make a comment - Forbes has a cool comment exposure system that lets authors of posts (e.g., me) "call out"…