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Neuroscience Research

New research in neuroscience

Thinking, Fast and Slow

Book Review: Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman Scientists love to divide human thinking into two parts: right brain vs. left brain, rational vs. emotional, conscious vs. subconscious, and no doubt many others. Daniel Kahneman,…

Put Your Customer in the Ad!

In my direct mail days, we used personalization whenever possible. Starting a letter with "Dear Roger" instead of "Dear Friend" responds better every time (if the recipient's name is Roger, that is!). A sweepstakes that uses a…

Nine Words Nearly Double Results

A few years after college, I took a position as a sales engineer. After one customer visit with no result, my boss queried, "Did you ask for the order?" In fact, just about every sales coaching book reminds new salespeople of the…

Social Media Tops TV

Could social media ads, or at least ads on Facebook, outperform similar ads on television? It seems the answer is "yes." That surprising outcome was reported in the same study that showed ads on the social media giant being more…