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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
Chew Gum, Get Smart
Need to get smarter, right now? Pop a stick of gum in your mouth.
According to research from St. Lawrence University, you'll get a boost in cognitive ability for a short time - just 15 to 20 minutes. After that, the benefits fade and…
Neuromarketing by Leon Zurawicki
Book Review: Neuromarketing: Exploring the Brain of the Consumer by Leon Zurawicki
I'm constantly asked the question, "where can I study neuromarketing?" by those looking for an undergraduate or graduate degree that will enable them to…
When Your Computer Watches Back
I frequently joke about journalists who use the term "Orwellian" to describe neuromarketing, but Orwell's novel 1984 did foresee one technology that may become a reality: a television (or at least a monitor) that watches you back. The…
What’s in YOUR Wallet?
How you pay - credit card vs. cash - actually affects how you think about the products you are buying, according to new research published in the Journal of Consumer Research. That, in turn, means that marketers need to review how they…
ARF NeuroStandards Report
A draft version of the product of the NeuroStandards effort by the Advertising Research Foundation is now circulating, and, unsurprisingly, it contains no standards. It does, however, sound an optimistic note for the field of…
Lunch: Your Secret Weapon
Top salespeople have often used lunch as a way to help bond with a customer and close a deal. Getting the customer out of the office allows for relaxed conversation and freedom from ringing phones and similar interruptions. Going beyond…
Shop for Success: Why You Need to Indulge Yourself
In difficult economic times, it's tempting, even logical, to watch your purchases carefully. Most people recognize the need to keep up external appearances for, say, a job interview or an important sales call, they may cut back in…
Politics is Simple: Vote for the Tall Guy
Our decisions aren't always as rational as we think, and choosing a presidential candidate is no exception. Researchers at Texas Tech have found an innate preference for candidates who are more physically imposing. This tendency is…
Don’t Sell, Seduce!
Emotional ads are processed quite differently by the brain than those that appeal to logic, according to a new study published in the Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology and Economics shows that . That might seem like old news to…
Can Twitter Make You Skinny?
Could having many connections on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook cause you to lose more weight than, say, running on a treadmill? The answer is... maybe. Research on mice showed that those individuals who socialized with…