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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
How “Loss” Can Be a Winning Strategy
If I gave you $50 with the following two choices, what would you do?
Keep $30.
Gamble, with a 50/50 chance of keeping or losing the whole $50.
An experimenter posed that question to subjects, and found that 43% of the subjects…
Vivid Stories Change Donor Behavior
A vivid story can put us in a more altruistic mode, a study shows. UK researchers looked at the two ways people think about death - abstractly or specifically. They used a detailed story which placed the reader in a burning apartment…
Sales Secret: The Best Time to Close
Want to close a sale? When choosing a time to meet with your customer, don't just take the first appointment time offered to you. A recent study looked at decisions by judges, and revealed startling differences in outcomes at different…
The Rivalry in Your Customer’s Brain
Decisions aren't linear conclusions - they are often a battle of competing interests in the consumer's brain. Marketers need to identify some of these rivals and back a winner with their advertising.
Study: Brain Games Give Cognitive Boost
At last, there is scientific proof that it's possible to boost generalized cognitive performance with specific training, in this case web-based brain games.
For years, we've heard first that we should keep sharp by doing crossword…
What’s Better Than an Excited Customer?
Think the way to sell more is to have a frenetic pitchman whip customers into a buying frenzy? Actually, relaxed customers are bigger spenders. A new study that will appear in the Journal of Marketing Research found that relaxed…
License to Misbehave
In Dietary Decoys, we saw that adding salads to a restaurant menu actually increased sales of french fries. Research in Taiwan exposes an equally odd fact: if we take a nutritional supplement like a multivitamin, we are MORE likely to…
Prediction Power: Asking Gets Results
Are you telling customers to buy your product? Maybe you should be asking them about their intentions instead. Research shows that if you want to get people to do something, you should ask them to predict if they will do it. An…
Furry Cat Ears Show Your Mood
Guess in which country someone would think it a great idea to develop big, furry cat ears that sit on your head and are supposed to show your mood. If you guessed Japan, you would be right. A little sensor arm presses against your…
Apologies Really DO Work
Have you ever annoyed a potential customer, or made her angry? Before you decide to ignore the faux pas and press forward with the pitch, or write her off and move on to greener pastures, try this simple technique: say, "I'm sorry."…