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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
Your Brain’s Twitter Limit: 150 Real Friends
Twitter's approach to easy social connections lets people build big networks, often quickly. Celebrities attract millions of followers. Even non-celebrities can develop many thousands of friends; some resort to automation tools to…
Critical Thinking About Neuromarketing
For years, most criticism of neuromarketing has been either alarmism ("OMG! They are reading my thoughts to make me buy stuff!") or outright dismissal ("There's no valid science, they are all charlatans!"). In the last few weeks,…
Closer to the Buy Button?
A specific part of the brain responsible for making decisions about value has been identified by neuroeconomics researchers at the University of Pennsylvania. Using fMRI, psychology professor Joseph Kable has shown that the…
Neuromarketing Study at Oxford
A new, three year research program will evaluate how neuromarketing is being used has been launched at Oxford:
Simple Slogans Double Sales
We think of brands as amazingly powerful. People prefer whatever cola they are drinking, as long as it's labeled Coca Cola. People pay lots more for a Ralph Lauren Polo shirt than a generic shirt of identical quality. And while the…
The Neuromarketing Challenge
OK, readers, I need some input. Here's my plan. Every neuromarketing firm says it has data showing the effectiveness of its methods. I really believe that some actually do know what they are doing. But, there's little or no…
Getting High Boosts Cooperation
In our language, we tend to associate height with good. Heaven is above us, Hell is somewhere beneath us. God is described as appearing on a mountain, not in a valley. You "look up" to someone you admire. It turns out that this…
Give Big, Get Bigger
Reciprocity, also called reciprocation, is a common enough theme here at Neuromarketing. The concept of reciprocity suggests that giving someone something, or doing a favor for someone, establishes a subtle return obligation. An…
Facial EMG: Muscles Don’t Lie?
We talk a lot about EEG measurements for neuromarketing purposes, and occasionally fMRI. We've also discussed facial coding, in which expert viewers analyze fleeting facial expressions to detect emotional states. A technique related to…
Selling to the Sleepy
Late-night infomercials and commercials often promote subjects like buying real-estate with no money down and other get-rich quick schemes. While these promotions are broadcast in the wee hours because air time is cheaper and more…