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Neuroscience Research

New research in neuroscience

Use Ratings to Improve REAL Satisfaction

It's no surprise that most of us will adjust our own expressed views to those around us. If your friends are raving about the meal you all just ate, you might tend to go with the flow rather than being the solo critic. Perhaps you…

Brain Rules for Baby

Review: Brain Rules for Baby: How to Raise a Smart and Happy Child from Zero to Five Want to make your baby a genius? There's good news and bad news. The bad news: virtually all of the commercial products that claim to boost your…

Border Bias: How to Beat It

When we lived in Indiana, our first house was quite ordinary but had one feature some found a little odd: one edge of our little lot was the Michigan state line. An errant frisbee throw required one to retrieve the disc from another…

Does Paper Outweigh Digital?

We know that viewing information on paper causes more emotional processing in the brain than the same information viewed on a screen (see Paper Beats Digital for Emotion), and there's another way paper might be better: its weight. The…

University Neuromarketing Lab Opens

Iowa State University has officially opened their new neuromarketing laboratory in the Gerdin Business Building on their Ames campus. The new lab, led by marketing professor Terry Childers, will use EEG to study consumer…

It Really DOES Pay to Schmooze

One of my all-time favorite TV commercials is the classic 1990 United Airlines spot that shows a manager distributing plane tickets to the sales staff so they can visit their customers in person. This was filmed in the days before email…