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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
Social Media Ads Beat TV
Visa "Trip for Life" TV Spot from VisaGoWorld on Vimeo.
Last week, neuromarketing firm Neurofocus released summary results of a study that compared the performance of the same ad when run on television and on two Internet websites,…
Use Your Cell Phone, Save Your Brain
Neuromarketing readers know I sometimes venture into the non-marketing area of brain fitness, and I couldn't resist passing along this bit of research on cell phone use. For years, we've been hearing alarming claims that cell phone use…
3D Commercials, Different Dynamics
3D entertainment has finally gone mainstream. Although three dimensional movies have existed for decades, they were largely gimmicky and had significant viewing problems. Now, James Cameron's Avatar brought 3D to the big screen in a…
Convince with Simple Fonts
Do you need to convince a customer to complete an application form? Or, for a non-profit, do you need volunteers for a charity event? In both cases, you will be more successful if you describe the task in a simple, easy to read typeface.…
Flattery Will Get You Somewhere
Many people buy into the old axiom, "Flattery will get you nowhere." Neuromarketing readers, though, are an exceptionally bright and discerning group, and have no doubt already anticipated what comes next: new research shows that even…
Neuromanagement: The Rule of Three?
Trivia question: Why were local phone numbers originally seven digits long? The answer is that in the early days of local phone service, researchers found that seven digit numbers were about as long as most people could remember…
Green Marketing: Light Up Sales
"Green marketing" usually refers to using an environmental pitch to sell a product. A car creates less pollution, a paper product is made from recycled content, and so on. Results of appealing to environmental sentiment have been…
Food, Shelter, and Big Words
Decades ago, Abraham Maslow proposed that humans had a hierarchy of needs, with food being at the most basic level of biological need and shelter one step above as part of a "safety" need. He may have been on the right track, according to…
Brain Fitness: Skip the Sudoku, Be a Volunteer
Just-published research in the Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences shows that volunteering and similar social activities are helpful in staving off mental decline in later years, and can actually improve cognition.
Some Learn From Mistakes, Others Don’t
In Managing by Mistakes, I wrote about the power of learning from mistakes. Some of the most successful individuals in different fields credit relentless focus on even small mistakes with their high achievement. Researchers at Columbia…