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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
Talking Back Makes Kids Smart
Once again, I'm going to depart from marketing for one post for another neuroparenting topic. This time, it's about kids "talking back" to their parents and how that interaction can actually enhance cognitive development.
Brain Fight: Who’s the Decider?
One of my favorite chapters in How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer is The Brain is an Argument. In this chapter, Lehrer highlights how complex our decision-making process really is, and how competing options battle for supremacy.
Sit Straight, Build Confidence
We know that making ourselves smile or frown can actually influence our mood, and now it seems that the posture we assume can affect our confidence in our own thoughts. A study by Richard Petty, who apparently is not the NASCAR driver…
How We Decide
Book Review: How We Decide by Jonah Lehrer
Jonah Lehrer has been translating neuroscience into prose comprehensible by the lay reader for years, and How We Decide helps readers understand and even apply current research in the process of…
Order Effect Affects Orders
The last time you bought a product online, you probably went through a logical analysis of alternative products, prices, features, and so on. And perhaps you really did. Research shows, however, that we are actually far from rational…
How To Praise Your Child
I don't often get into neuro-parenting here, but I thought this particular research finding was interesting enough to single out. (I mentioned it in my Managing by Mistakes post last week, too.)
The short story is that a lot of what…
Managing by Mistakes
Management gurus have often suggested that failure should be rewarded (if the individual was trying something new), or at least not punished. We all know the problems that develop when employees become fearful and conservative - creativity…
Training Your Brain to Multitask
It's Monday, your inbox is full of unanswered emails, you desk is piled high with paper, and you've got a couple of important project deadlines looming. There's one bright spot: although past research has indicated that people's ability to…
Paralysis of Analysis: Overthinking and Bad Decisions
Choking isn't just for golfers and free-throw shooters. A particular kind of "choking," thinking about the process of doing something instead of just doing it, can affect us all even when performing such mundane tasks as choosing a…
Is Branding Dead? Our Brains Say No!
A recent post at ClickZ declares that branding is "Ineffective, Irrelevant, Irritating, and Impotent." The author, Augustine Fou (I can't help but point out "fou" is French for "crazy" or "madman" :)), starts by suggesting that "branding"…