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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
Daydreaming Key to Creativity
When I want to solve a problem or come up with a creative idea, I usually sit down and think about it. This could be the wrong strategy, according to University of British Columbia psychology professor Kalina Christoff. The UBC prof is an…
SEO: Beyond Text
It's always fun when two of my interests, neuromarketing and SEO (search engine optimization), intersect, and a new study from One to One Interactive's OTOInsights has brought the disparate fields together with a new study, Implications of…
Virtual Market Research
One problem I have with conventional market research is that people aren't very good at predicting their own behavior (or explaining their past behavior). While market researchers can be reasonably accurate in collecting factual data,…
Subconscious Sniffing
It's no big surprise that our brains can process odors without the intervention of our conscious minds, but a study published earlier this year showed just how sophisticated that process can be. Specifically, brain scans showed that…
Superhero Super-Priming
OK, here's a quick task: take a minute to write down some common characteristics and behaviors that superheroes might exhibit... (DON'T read further until you have jotted down some ideas.)
Done? You should know that I have…
Your Brain on Coupons
With today's economic condition, interest in discount coupons has been growing. Neuromarketing firm NeuroFocus has examined how people react to both print and online coupons using their typical combination of EEG, eye-tracking, and galvanic…
Dietary Decoys
Imagine two restaurants, one of which sold only french fries as a side dish and another that sold both french fries and salads. Which would sell more fries? While logic might suggest that the salad would poach some of the side dish…
Diet Drinks Don’t Fool The Brain
But, a little sugar goes a long way
Diet soft drinks are huge sellers in the U.S. as many consumers use them as a substitute for their calorie-laden sugary bretheren. The good news is that the flavor of these products have improved over…
Tweeting Directly From Your Brain
While some users of Twitter might be well served by adding a filter between their thoughts and tweets, researchers at the University of Wisconsin - Madison have demonstrated that one can tweet just by thinking - no keyboard, no touchscreen,…
Brain Decides, Then Tells You Later
Understanding how events occur in the brain - how we come to an "aha!" insight, how we make a decision, and so on - fascinates neuroscientists. And anyone interested in neuromarketing can't help but wonder how we decide between two…