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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
Get Smarter Instantly With This Fishy Technique
Can inhaling a few times make you far more likely to spot erroneous statements? A new study says "yes."
Print vs. Digital: Another Emotional Win for Paper
Every year, consumers spend more time using digital devices. Every year, more media is consumed digitally. Naturally, advertising dollars are increasingly flowing to digital as well. But, don't pull the plug on that direct mail campaign…
Sales Intuition: How to Use It and Improve It
Sales intuition can be a powerful tool, according to a recent study. Salespeople who acted on intuition outperformed those who over-thought the process. I explain the research and give ways to improve intuition.
The Neuromarketing Train in Barcelona
It's likely a worldwide first: mass transit ads for a masters degree in neuromarketing program at the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Should You Put the Price First or Last?
Should you lead with the price? Or wait? Harvard and Stanford researchers used fMRI brain scans to find the answer to this common question.
Repeat, Repeat, Repeat… and Sell More
Do you know what The Beatles' best-selling single was? And, do you know the scientific reason that helped propel it to the top?
Dan Ariely’s Irrationally Yours: Predictably Amusing
Got problems? Author and behavior researcher Dan Ariely has answers. And, they are funny! His new book, Irrationally Yours, combines practical advice, behavior science, and humor.
An Unexpected Way to Look Smarter
Want to look smarter? You might think performing this simple action will make you look dumb, but the opposite is true according to a Harvard Business School study.
Neuromarketing Careers
Are you looking for a career in neuromarketing, or as some prefer to call it, consumer neuroscience? How should you pursue that goal? Is such a goal even a good idea? I'll try to provide answers, or at least some information that will let…
Brainfluence Podcast: Shankman, Kawasaki, and 8 More
Latest Brainfluence Podcast episodes feature Guy Kawasaki, Peter Shankman, and 8 others discussing loyalty, social media, branding, habit formation, neuromarketing and lots more.