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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
Predicting Viral Video Success
Why do some internet videos "go viral" and rack up millions of views while apparently comparable videos don't? For marketers seeking to use the video channel as a promotion tool, wouldn't it be handy if you could predict which of several…
Show You Trust Your Customer
Want your customers to trust you? Demonstrate that you trust THEM! This may seem counterintuitive, but there's sound neuromarketing reasoning behind it. The concept revolves around that seemingly magical neurochemical, oxytocin, which is…
More Decoys: Compromise Marketing
Why a logical product lineup may not be the most profitable
When marketers plan a company's product offerings, they usually try to do so in the most logical way possible. Several levels of product may be offered - a…
Personalization: Post-Its and Beyond
Have you ever received a printed invitation to, say, a charity fundraiser, and found that someone you know on the organizing committee had hand-written a short note encouraging you to attend? (Or sat in a room with other people actually…
Creative Disruption
Need to sell more without cutting prices or spending more on ads? It may be possible. Last week, I wrote about Guy Kawasaki's new compendium of business savvy, Reality Check. One of the little gems he writes about is an experiment that…
Helping Others Makes You Hot!
Altruism in humans is difficult to explain with traditional models of behavior, which have focused on competition between individuals for mates, scarce resources, etc. It's undeniable, though, that being willing to help unrelated…
Now Google Wants Our Brains
Those of us in the web marketing and search arena both love and fear Google. Google, directly or indirectly, makes us money and can send our sites millions of visitors; on the other hand, Google knows a LOT about us. Their Toolbar,…
Are Tobacco Warnings Really Ads?
One of the startling conclusions from the neuromarketing study described by Martin Lindstrom in Buyology is that not only are the government-mandated warnings on tobacco packages ineffective, but they actually promote smoking behavior by…
Buyology by Martin Lindstrom
Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy
Buyology by Martin Lindstrom is a compulsively readable (at least for marketers) account of a research project that spanned three years and cost $7 million. Lindstrom's team used both fMRI and…
Buyology: Prime Time Neuromarketing
According to author, brand guru, and Neuromarketing reader Martin Lindstrom, the CBS news show 60 Minutes will air an exclusive interview on tonight's show in which he will reveal some of the startling findings in his new book Buyology:…