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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
Want to Be More Attractive? Science Says Have a Drink.
Getting your business portrait photo taken? Meeting new people at a networking event? Here's some counter-intuitive advice...
The Wrong Font Can Kill You. Literally. Your Sales, Too.
Fonts have strange an unexpected effects. Patients were less compliant with medical instructions when hard-to-read fonts were used. And, the fluency of fonts can have a big impact on your marketing, too.
One Small Change That Makes You Seem Smarter and More Competent
Want to looks smarter and more competent? A new University of Chicago study shows one simple change you can make that will improve your first impression.
Neuromarketing Bats 1 for 6, Still Wins
In tests of multiple neuromarketing techniques at Temple University, only one was more predictive of advertising success than simply asking the subjects. But, the news is good.
Be Awesome, from First Impression to Last, and More – Roger’s Picks
This weeks picks include the science of first impressions, how to be someone people want to talk to, when to use rounded prices, and lots more!
How To Set The Right Price Every Time
Exactly how to price products is a big challenge for marketers, but new research provides valuable direction in this complex decision-making process.
Junk Science of Wine, Most Hated (But Effective) Ad, More – Roger’s Picks
Wine-tasting is proven to be junk science, and there's a marketing lesson for all products and companies. Also, my newest from Forbes, latest podcasts, etc.
Brainfluence Podcast – Episodes 31 to 40
Another couple of months and we've got ten more episodes of The Brainfluence Podcast with awesome guests like Paul Zak, Dan Pink, and Robin Dreeke, the FBI's former top behaviorist! Here's your chance to catch up on any you missed.…
Mega-Recap for Roger’s Picks
My "picks" went on vacation over the holidays, and then got off to a slow start in the new year. So, this edition is a big catch-up on my own content from here, Forbes, and my podcasts at, along with a few tasty morsels from…
Why Monkeys Are Smarter Shoppers Than Humans
A new Yale study shows that capuchin monkeys, which respond like humans in many situations, are unlike humans when it comes to preferring more expensive treats.