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Neuroscience Research
New research in neuroscience
The Perfect Daily Routine, Landing Page Secrets, more – Roger’s Picks
We usually avoid brain diagrams here at Neuromarketing, but Neil Patel (@neilpatel) not only gives you a brain map but tells you how to target each major area with different kinds of content. Get the scoop in How Your Landing Page Can…
Tweets, Viewers Predicted by Brain Studies
A study with a rather opaque title, Audience preferences are predicted by temporal reliability of neural processing, has some interesting findings for the field of neuromarketing. Published in Nature, the paper found correlation between…
Behavioral Ads, Authorship Autopsy, Thought Leadership… Roger’s Picks
Here's your required reading for the week! Don't forget to share your own "must read" find in a comment!
10 New Episodes of the Brainfluence Podcast
Time really does fly - it seems like we just published our list of the first ten episodes of The Brainfluence Podcast, and here we are with another ten! And if you aren't getting our weekly episodes delivered to your player automatically,…
Color Psychology, Mind-Controlling Bugs, Blog Boosters, More… Roger’s Picks
You want an eclectic reading list? This week we've got color psychology, mind-controlling bugs, big conversion tips, neuro-politics, business blog boosters, and more!
Cooties, Conversion, Brain Reboots, and Habits – Roger’s Picks
Here are the most intriguing and useful articles I've found in the last week, plus a summary of my own new content. Enjoy!
The Neuroscience of Conversion Optimization
If you're a digital marketer, then you know the feeling. You poured your heart and soul into a recent campaign, and you can’t wait to see the results. A few days later, you check the data and what do you see…an embarrassingly low…
The Cootie Effect: Touch, Contagion, and Magical Thinking
I’ve written about product contagion – the weird ability of one product to “infect” another with its properties (or its "cooties") when they touch in a shopping cart – but there’s a related phenomenon that is, if anything, even…
Videos That Convert, Worst ORM Strategy Ever, Monkey Takedown, More – Roger’s Picks
Here's this week's eclectic mix of worthwhile reading from around the Web. Also, things may look a bit different - check out our new, easier-to-read (we hope!) design. Let us know what you think in a comment!
Selling to Tightwads, High-heeled Hotties, Killer Ad Copy, more – Roger’s Picks
Roger's picks for the week include how to craft killer ads, how to sell to tightwads, spendthrifts, and everyone else, "the high-heeled hottie effect," and more.