Ever wonder what goes on inside a journalist’s head when he thinks about politics, television shows, or his boss? An article in The Atlantic, My Amygdala, My…
I've written about sensory branding, olfactory marketing, and in particular Starbucks' attempt to get more coffee aroma into its stores. Now, it seems that all…
The human brain didn't evolve to pick stocks, which explains why there are so few Warren Buffets among the ranks of fund managers. Jason Zweig, author of Your…
Our tastes in fashion, and indeed, our ideas in general, are almost never the result of a solo creative effort. Rather, they are influenced by collective…
It's no surprise that movies can light up the brain. After all, they can surprise or frighten us, makes us laugh or cry, create suspense, and much more. What IS…
The use of brain imaging in evaluating advertising and products is increasing, and one wonders if the judgment of marketing execs could be clouded by the…
Reading a person's thoughts may still be science fiction, but researchers at Carnegie-Mellon University are making surprising progress in specific types of…
I've been trying to catch up on the neuromarketing press after my lengthy trip, and found that an article in the San Francisco Chronicle provided a nicely…