Brainfluence News: Audible Editor’s Pick, New Polish Translation


brainfluence audible pick and polish translation
My book Brainfluence had a launch that can only be described as minimal. Perhaps because of a highly compressed production timeline, it didn’t get a single media review when it released. Not even a bad one!

Even my own small promotion efforts went awry when it the book went on sale at Amazon well before the release date. And, as far as I could tell, essentially zero copies were placed in bookstores.

But, despite the remarkably ineffective launch, Brainfluence has now sold more copies than 95% of business books. And, there are two recent developments that highlight the ongoing relevance of the book.

Audible Features Brainfluence

Just last month, I saw an anomaly in my Amazon author rank, their metric for ranking every author in their system. Even though my hardcover and Kindle sales hadn’t changed much, my rank had shot up from its normal 5-digit range (yes, many authors sell more books than I do) to the top 1000.

I was puzzled until I checked my Audible numbers, where the audiobook version of Brainfluence had rocketed up to the top 100 of Audible’s 180,000+ titles. It was the #1 Marketing and Advertising audio book, and one day it peaked at #62 across all of Audible, fiction and non-fiction.

brainfluence tops marketing and advertising category
I wasn’t immediately able to find a reason for the amazing surge in popularity of a five year-old title. The Wall Street Journal didn’t finally publish a belated review. Donald Trump hadn’t tweeted a link, acknowledging the role the book played in his campaign strategy. And, any prominent mention would have affected all versions of the book, not just Audible.

Eventually, I found that Brainfluence had been named an “Editor’s Pick” at Audible. I’m not quite sure how the book caught someone’s attention, but I greatly appreciate being selected.

Brainfluence Audible - FREE!Brainfluence for Free. If you aren’t a current Audible subscriber, you can get it and another title for free with a 30-day free trial. You get to keep the audiobooks even if you cancel your subscription before paying. Check out the deal by clicking here! Existing Audible subscribers can get it too, of course, by using a credit.

Recent Editor's Pick Brainfluence audiobook is FREE with 30-day free trial at Audible! #Neuromarketing Share on X

Another Brainfluence Translation: Polish

With my decidedly Irish surname, you’d never guess that the other half of my ancestry is Polish. You can imagine my delight when I learned that a Polish translation of Brainfluence has been released.

That’s ten translations and counting! I’ve got most of the world’s major business languages covered, and some minor ones as well. I’m still hoping for French, Hindi, and Arabic, to name a few. In some cases, I think, translation has been seen as less important because of the prevalence of English in specific countries and cultures. But, every translation reaches new readers.

I did hear recently that a new Russian translation from a new publisher has been approved – I’ll keep you posted on that and other developments.
Brainfluence translation count is now 10 - Polish is the latest. #Neuromarketing Share on X
I’m working on a new book project, but it’s a bit premature to announce. I’m confident my readers will find it at least as useful as Brainfluence – it’s incredibly rewarding for me when my readers share how they have used my ideas to improve their businesses and lives!

Just in case you haven’t read (or listened to) Brainfluence, Amazon can rectify that quickly and easily: Hardcover, Kindle, Audible Audiobook.

And, if you have found either of my books useful, please take a quick minute to leave a review at Amazon – I’ll owe you one! (…according to Cialdini’s reciprocation principle.)

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