Brainfluence Price Drop and Reviews


Brainfluence: 100 Ways to Persuade and Convince Consumers with NeuromarketingGood news for ebook readers, at least in the U.S. After spending some time at almost $15, the Kindle version of Brainfluence  has dropped to its introductory price of $9.99.

I don’t control this and I get no notice of these changes, so I can’t say how long this lower will last. If you have a Kindle or use one of the free Kindle reading apps, grab your copy before it flips back again! (Prices outside the US may vary, sorry!)

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Recent Praise for Brainfluence
While we’re talking about Brainfluence, here are some recent reviews and comments:

Emma Alvarez GibsonRoger Dooley’s Brainfluence is a tool every marketer needs, regardless of business size or scope… Brainfluence is destined to become a classic.

Emma Alvarez Gibson, Publisher, Jack Move Magazine

Via Twitter:

Jason FallsFinally plowing through @RogerDooley’s book. Freakin’ great stuff. Buy BrainFluence.

Jason Falls, Social Media Explorer

From Amazon:

I came away from this book with more than a hundred ideas I can test or just put to work in fundraising. If even a small percentage of these ideas improve results, my clients stand to make the price of the book hundreds of times over in the coming months… It’s an easy, quick, enjoyable read, and you’ll get ideas you can use.

J. Brooks

Read all 10 Amazon Reviews.

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