Got a Good Story Ad?
Last week my post at Copyblogger, How to Write Weapons Grade Copy, focused on the power of stories to hold the attention of a customer. Here’s a heartwarming ad from the UK department store John Lewis that shows how even a rather long (1.5 minutes) ad can keep a viewer engaged:
This ad is also a great example of an emotional sales pitch – no products, no sale prices, just the nice warm feeling and, of course, a subtle reminder that Christmas is just around the corner. (Via Mandy Lehto of Bravura Coaching.)
One of my all-time favorite narrative ads (I featured it in my It Really DOES Pay to Schmooze post) is the decades-old United Airlines spot:
One of the key elements in traditional short story writing is the ending, which is usually a surprise or twist. Not all story ads incorporate that approach, although both of the above ads do.
What’s YOUR Favorite Story Ad?
So, do you have a favorite ad that hooks the viewer (or reader) with a compelling story? Share it with Neuromarketing readers by leaving a comment with a link!