Google Reader Is Going Away in Days


Google Reader R.I.P.Many Neuromarketing readers still use Google Reader to keep up with their favorite blogs. It has been a great tool, one I used myself. But, Google decided to kill Reader as of July 1 in what they termed a round of “spring cleaning.” So, if you are still subscribing using Google Reader, here are a couple of alternatives:

Reader Alternatives

If you like to see updates from a range of blogs in one window, then finding another feed reader is a good idea. Peter Meyers, Marketing Scientist at Moz and Dr_Pete on Twitter, has been giving different feed readers a workout, using each one for a week and reporting on the results. His early favorite is Feedly, which allows easy import of feeds from Google Reader.

I’ve started using Feedly myself, and the Google import is indeed quite painless. My only complaint is that the Chrome plugin was a bit wonky on my laptop – it launched some kind of background process that didn’t die even when all Chrome windows were closed. I asked Dr. Pete about that, and he encountered no plugin problems at all. If the plugin acts up in your environment, that’s not a problem – you can access your content easily via the browser even without installing the plugin.

Either Way, Subscribe by Email

Even if you set up a new reader, it’s a good idea to subscribe by email. Here’s why I recommend that approach:

  • Only one email per week.
  • With only 1-3 posts per week, new Neuromarketing content can get lost in a busy feed stream.
  • No dependence on specific readers.
  • No spam, sales pitches, etc.
  • Your email will never be sold or shared.
  • It’s FREE!
  • Never miss a Neuromarketing post!

To subscribe by email, just click here:

Don’t Miss Out! Subscribe Now!

Naturally, if you ever want to stop subscribing, every email has a link to do do that. Our email subs are all handled by Feedblitz, a service we have used for years with no subscriber complaints. [In fact, if you are a Feedburner user, you should worry that it’s another Google product with diminishing support. We selected Feedblitz as the better choice years ago, but now there’s a real need for an alternative to Feedburner.] Those ARE affiliate links, by the way – we rarely recommend products here, and we do so only when we know the product and like it.

Don’t Forget Brainy Marketing

As long as we’re talking about feed readers and such, be sure to subscribe to my blog at, Brainy Marketing. There’s very little content overlap with this blog. You can subscribe by email if you create a Forbes profile, or use this RSS feed link to add it to your reader.

Thanks for being a Neuromarketing reader! Have any questions about subscriptions or anything else? Send a note to neuro [at] neurosciencemarketing [dot] com.

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