The Perfect Daily Routine, Landing Page Secrets, more – Roger’s Picks
We usually avoid brain diagrams here at Neuromarketing, but Neil Patel (@neilpatel) not only gives you a brain map but tells you how to target each major area with different kinds of content. Get the scoop in How Your Landing Page Can Connect With Every Area Of The Human Brain.
Sticking with the landing page theme, Emily Hill (@EmilybyNight) show the important role they play in great campaigns in How Marketing Agencies Use Landing Pages to Run Successful Campaigns. She includes some great information, including a surprising case study that shows how a multi-page form both increased conversion and captured more useful data.
If you find yourself getting a little fatigued and sluggish, you may think of choosing between a quick boost from a cup of coffee and a short nap. Forget choosing, research shows they work best in combination! Timing is critical for the best results, though. Joseph Stromberg (@josephstromberg) describes the most effective techique in Scientists agree: Coffee naps are better than coffee or naps alone.
All too often our career seems more random and influenced by external events than a a part of our life that we need to work on and control. Want to to a quick career checkup yourself? Eric Barker (@bakadesuyo) summarizes some good advice from author Dan Pink (@DanielPink) on the 6 Rules That Should Be Guiding Your Career.
Do you seem to be working less efficiently and less effectively? Both the problem and the solution could lie in your habits. Chris Mooney (@chriscmooney) shares the insights of Maria Konnikova (@mkonnikova) to come up with 4 Ways to Make Your Brain Work Better.
As an author, blogger/columnist, and (sometimes) content curator, I spend a lot of time writing. But, sometimes it seems that the time spent doesn’t match up well to the actual volume of writing produced. Maria Popova (@brainpicker) helps us to get in a writing frame of mind and to develop an environment that will nurture creative thinking in The Psychology of Writing and the Cognitive Science of the Perfect Daily Routine.
My Stuff
A new study hasn’t generated much attention in the neuromarketing field, but its findings are really quite interesting. Research published in Nature (@nature) shows that by measuring the brain activity in a small sample of individuals, the behavior of mass markets can be predicted. (That’s what neuromarketers have been saying for years, right?) Check Tweets, Viewers Predicted by Brain Studies to learn how EEG data correlated with levels of viewership and social sharing of TV content as well as preferences for commercials.
On this week’s episode of the Brainfluence Podcast, we talk about why having an enemy can be a good thing for your company and brand. The psychological of social identity explains how devoted fan communities can be created, and how having a common enemy can unite your fans. It’s all in Ep #22: Why Every Business Needs an Enemy.
Last week, I linked to some great content like a behavioral advertising primer, neuroscience quackery, the importance of developing thought leadership, why you look smarter if you seek advice, and more. Check out Behavioral Ads, Authorship Autopsy, Thought Leadership… Roger’s Picks.