Brain Movies: Top 5 Super Bowl Ads
Everyone loves to rank Super Bowl ads, and one neuromarketing firm that did so is Sands Research (see Super Bowl 2010 Ad Winners. Sands uses a combination of EEG, eye-tracking, biometrics, and surveys to calculate a “neuro-engagement factor” for each ad. Does that mean these ads will sell more product? Not necessarily. But here are the top ads accompanied by their measured EEG activity – you can see how the changes in brain activity match up with the action in the commercial.
#5 – Bridgestone Whale of a Tail
#4 – Google Parisian Love
#3 – Budweiser Human Bridge
#2 – Visio Forge
#1 – VW Punch Dub
I found the remarkable rating for VW’s Punch Dub ad a little surprising. It was significantly higher than any other ad in the 2010 lineup (4.71 on Sands’ scale, vs. 3.96 for the next highest). The commercial was cute, but didn’t strike me as being off-the-chart cute.
The other surprise was that the inexpensive, mostly text Google Parisian Love ad finished in the top 5. I wrote about that ad last week in The Power of Text. Despite the apparent simplicity of that ad, it got a lot done – strong logo and brand exposure, product feature demonstration (suggestions, mapping, question answers, etc.), all woven into a compelling story.
Do YOU find anything surprising in these top 5, or in the big list of results in Super Bowl 2010 Ad Winners? How well do you think these rankings correlate with actual effectiveness in either selling product or strengthening/positioning a brand?