Very Effective Surprise Ad


surprise ad

Some ads use humor, some surprise you with a twist… Take a look at this ad and see if you can guess what the product is before the end.

This commercial makes amazing use of surprise to startle the viewers and make a strong brand impression. A secondary neuromarketing ploy is the scary imagery. I’m not sure if this Exorcist parody is really frightening enough to generate a fear response in some viewers, but if it did we might see an additional brand recall boost. (See Fear Factor Branding.)

  1. Wayne Lo says

    The ad took too long to get to the clever part. It should have started from the woman screaming in pain while the priest opening the door.

    1. Roger Dooley says

      It did take a while to develop. I guess there’s a tradeoff between creating the mood and building tension vs. risking losing people’s interest. I suppose they figured it was intriguing enough that not many people would look away. I think the funny payoff is amplified by the wait to get there.


  2. Harry Beckwith says

    It’s a cinema ad, almost certainly flighted to appear with frightening movies for mature audiences. Think Shutter Island.

    So the length of the buildup works with a cinema audience, particularly its specific audience, and it’s also makes a brilliant mnemonic link between the commercial’s theme and the product advertised–a Dirt Devil.

    If it’s not brilliant, no commercial is. Take any of the classics–FedEx’s fast talker, Apple’s 1984, Coke’s Mean Go Green, or a loved modern spot like VW’s Darth Vader; this has to rank with or above any of them for impact, memorabiltiy, and a memorable communication of the product’s benefit.

  3. MediaMate says

    I would definitely agree that setting up the commercial took a bit too long, and it did seem depressing at first. But the end made the commercial hilarious and well worth the wait. It’s a creative ad that will draw some customers to the brand (even if some find it disturbing).

  4. Jon says

    I am now more emotionally connected/loyal to the Dirt Devil than the Dyson. My affection for Dyson has lasted years so I am suprised I can be disloyal so quickly (although perhaps my loyalty was already waning). BUT when I next purchase a vacuum cleaner it will be a Henry as my youngest son loves them. He already has toy Henrys in 2 sizes. Influencing my 3-year old is more important than influencing me. Plus, influencing my son impacts the grand parents too.

  5. Crystal says

    The whole commercial is great despite of the length of the opening.
    As for Hong Kong the TVD is usually expensive and I’m afraid people here may not have the patience for waiting too long.
    Suggestions, would be much humor if with a voice stating the strength of the vacum.

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