Neuromarketing on NBC Today Show
Martin Lindstrom got a great plug for his new book, Buyology, in an interview on NBC’s Today Show. The piece may have been a bit superficial, and the host referred to fMRI when the particular study in question was performed using EEG caps, but overall I think the exposure for the concept of neuromarketing was positive. The word “Orwellian” wasn’t used once! (I suppose that might just reflect the more plebeian demographic of network TV viewers.) And, luckily for Lindstrom, the segment opened and closed with a nearly full-screen cover shot of the book, and the book’s title was superimposed on the screen for a good portion of the interview. Watch the whole piece:
Amusingly, the title of the MSNBC web page summarizing the story is Want the watch James Bond wears? Here’s why. In the book, Lindstrom makes the point that few people remembered the peripheral product placements like Bond’s Omega watch. Buy you know what they say about publicity… congrats to Martin for putting both neuromarketing and his book in public view!