WIRED Throwing Biometric Super Bowl Party
Every year, there is a burst of neuromarketing-related activity coinciding with the Super Bowl. After all, that game features commercials that people actually watch, and the cost of airing each ad is the highest of any program throughout the entire year. One staple of Super Bowl Sunday is the party – millions will be taking place around the U.S., but as far as we know, only one will have its guests wired up as they watch the commercials:
Wired Science has a distinctly different, nerdier kind of Super Bowl party planned.
We want you to come to the Wired office in San Francisco’s SoMA neighborhood to drink good beer, eat pizza — and have your biometric responses to the game and commercials measured.
We’ve partnered with research firm Innerscope, founded by social neuroscientist Carl Marci of Massachusetts General Hospital and Brian Levine, formerly of the MIT Media Lab. They’ll strap up our readers with their technology.
During the game, you’ll have your heart rate, skin moisture, movement and breathing measured by a belt-like device. That data will be aggregated to create an evaluation of what Wired.com readers thought about the commercials during the game. We’ll also be slicing and dicing the data to look for interesting correlations and patterns. [From Wired.com – Come to Wired.com’s Biometric Super Bowl Party by Alexis Madrigal.]
Sadly, I won’t be in the Bay Area on Super Sunday, but I hope that some Neuromarketing readers are able to attend and report on the event. Complete the questionnaire here if you want a chance to go to this neuro-party.